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Executive Directors Honor the 2024 Open Arms Snowstorm Crisis responders

Updated: Apr 30

On behalf of all of us at Open Arms Care Corporation we want to thank you with this proclamation to express our deepest gratitude for your heroic efforts during the recent winter snow crisis. You have shown incredible courage, dedication, and compassion in the face of personal sacrifice and potentially unprecedented challenges. You have committed your time, health, and safety for the benefit of the clients of Open Arms Care. You have benefited others by your commitment, prevented suffering, and inspired hope in all of us.


We cannot thank you enough for your service and sacrifice. You are the true heroes of our Open Arms community. You have earned our respect, admiration, and appreciation. We are proud to call you professionals of the first degree.


Thank you again for everything you do. You are making a difference in the world. You are making history at Open Arms Care. You are making us proud.


Everyone at Open Arms Care, including the Board of Trustees hereby expresses its collective gratitude to the 2024 Snowstorm Crisis Responders for their courage, bravery and commitment to client safety. 


We hereby recognize them for the Excellence in Caring exemplified by each of these outstanding individuals.


Thank you!


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