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Essential workers

Updated: Dec 9, 2020

Dear Open Arms Care Employees:

We have received guidance on the definition of Essential Critical Worker from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

They discussed the importance of essential critical infrastructure workers continuing to meet their obligations in order to maintain the services and functions Americans depend on daily and that need to be able to operate resiliently during the COVID-19 pandemic response. Functioning critical infrastructure is imperative during the response to the COVID-19 emergency for both public health and safety as well as community well-being. Certain critical infrastructure industries have a special responsibility in these times to continue operations. This means every one of us here at Open Arms Care.

Essential workers must be allowed to continue to work during periods of community restriction, access management, social distancing, or closure orders/directives in order to provide continuity of essential functions. This is why you were given a badge and letter confirming your status.

Considerations for Open Arms Care Employees:

1. Everyone should follow guidance being provided in the OAC COVID-19 Updates, which are designed based on the recommendations from the CDC as well as State and local government officials, regarding strategies to limit disease spread.

2. If you need to work alongside others, maintain a six foot separation, when possible. Use a personal mask for the protection of clients and other staff.

3. Do not come to work if you have symptoms including an elevated temperature (100 degrees or higher), non-seasonal cough or are experiencing respiratory distress. Please call ahead so as not to leave the clients and your fellow employees without support.

4. Non-mandatory activities should be delayed until the resumption of normal operations. This includes no outings, Day Program Services, comingling with other homes, etc.

5. Open Arms Care has enlisted strategies to reduce the likelihood of spreading the disease. This includes, but is not limited to, limiting the number of unique staff entering the homes, halting all visitors, off-setting shift hours or days and social distancing where possible. These steps will preserve the health of our clients and employees.

6. For your protection and that of the Clients, please follow the directions of your Directors, Program Managers, Nurses and Home Managers who are trained and charged with implementing the Emergency Preparedness Plans (EPP).

Lastly, we are having an influx of people applying for our open positions. It is our sincere hope that all open positions will be filled in time and those wanting a break will be able to take some time off but it will take time. For the protection of clients and staff, these new workers will still proceed through the usual interviews and background screenings. Please welcome them to the OAC family and encourage their participation in client care and training as they become eligible.

Thank you for your service to our clients; the most fragile of citizens. You are all my Heroes.

George Stevens

CEO, Open Arms Care

Identifying Essential Critical Workers

The following list of identified essential critical workers is intended to be broadly inclusive reflecting the diversity of industries across the United States.

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